Sweetheart Through The Years

February 13-16, 2025

33rd Annual

Sweetheart Jamboree

Saturday Dinner, Show, and Dance VEGETARIAN                                $95

Photos of the dinner choices at Sweetheart Jamboree 2024.

Saturday-Only Package (includes ALL workshops, dances, and Dinner & Show)  Dinner selection  VEGETARIAN  $160

Workshops Only - Fri, Sat, & Sun  $155

Full 3-Day Package (includes ALL workshops, dances, and Dinner & Show)  Dinner selection  FISH  $180

Saturday-Only Package (includes ALL workshops, dances, and Dinner & Show)  Dinner selection  CHICKEN  $160

Event Registration

Saturday Dinner, Show, and Dance

CHICKEN                                       $95

3 Huge


For a printable Sweetheart Jamboree Flyer click the button below.  It will open in a new window.

Full 3-Day Package (includes ALL workshops, dances, and Dinner & Show)  Dinner selection  CHICKEN  $180

For a printable registration form click the button below.  The form will open in a new window.

Full 3-Day Package (includes ALL workshops, dances, and Dinner & Show)  Dinner selection  VEGETARIAN  $180

Video Pass                                   $10

(to be used for class reviews only)

We are excited you are attending Sweetheart Jamboree.  If you plan to attend the entire 3 day event, congratulations,  you are getting the best value for your dance dollar.  Your registration fee will include all workshops, all dances, and the Saturday night Dinner & Show.  

We offer three meal choices at dinner, Chicken, Fish, or Vegetarian.  Our attendees give rave reviews to the meal and we work very closely with the hotel Chef to make your dinner wonderful.  It is an experience to remember.

If you would like to register using PayPal, please use the links on your left below to make your choices. Just click once on the "Add To Cart" button for each selection. When checking out, you will notice that the amount for your selection is $3 over the posted price, this is the handling fee for using PayPal.  You will receive a confirmation e-mail after your registration is received.  If we need additional information about your registration you will be contacted by e-mail.

Don't want to use PayPal?  Simply print the registration form that is on the right below, fill it out, and mail it along with your check to:  Sweetheart Jamboree      Attn: Cheryl Murray      17610  18th Ave Ct E     Spanaway, WA  98387-2911

Friday or Saturday Night dances $15 ​at the door.

Saturday Dinner, Show, and Dance

FISH                                               $95

Saturday-Only Package (includes ALL workshops, dances, and Dinner & Show)  Dinner selection  FISH  $160